These methods are mostly used to improve the process of the development.

Add new method

There are several possible ways of adding new method along with other auxiliary files:

  • Add folder with method and test files:
npm run method:add coolMethod


It creates index.js and coolMethod.test.js inside a folder coolMethod


If method already exists, you probably need to use extra flag -f to replace the old implementation with new one

  • Add folder with curried method and test files:
npm run method:add coolMethod --curried


By default, it uses curryN. If you need an arity of 2 or 3, better to specify them as methods will be optimised in size

npm run method:add coolMethod --curried=2
  • Add folder with method, type and test files:
npm run method:add coolMethod --types


In addition it adds index.d.ts and index.js.flow files for TS / Flow types

  • Add folder with method and test (including performance test) files:
npm run method:add coolMethod --perf


It creates coolMethod.performance.js to generate test output which is used in

Check size

You can check the size of separate or all methods

  • Size of list of methods (any, all and find):
npm run size any all find
  • Size of all methods
npm run size


It's a behaviour by default if no method is specified

Check performance

Performance check is working the same way. Just replace size with time


If <method>.performance.js exists, it will be checked

For now, there is no way to skip it


By default, the returning type of performance test is no_perf

If it's not replaced with any correct type, it will throw error coolMethod.performance.js must have data to return

Check not implemented methods

As nanoutils is a Ramda-compatible, it needs to show a diff between implemented methods.

  • Display methods which are both in nanoutils and Ramda:
npm run method:check both
  • Display nanoutils' methods which are absent in Ramda
npm run method:check nano
  • Display Ramda's methods which are absent in nanoutils
npm run method:check ramda

We use size-limit to check the size of methods.